Kangean Island,Madura,East Java,Indonesia
According to the story, the origin of this island when a new low tide can be seen from far away, whereas if the tide water, it will be submerged under water, pilau olehkarena it is called the origin Kangean island of Madura word "Ka-aengan" which means submerged in water. By the kings of the Sumenep in ancient times, this island is where the people who get severe punishment for a big mistake. Kangean is a group of islands located at the eastern end of Madura Island, Java Sea. This archipelago consists of at least 60 islands, with a total area of 487 km ². The largest islands are Kangean Island (188 km ²), Paliat Island, and Island Sapanjang. Kangean island is mountainous eastern and 364 m. The highest peak • Although the islands, including the region still Kangean Sumenep. There are three sub-districts in Kangean, namely Arjasa, Sapeken, and sub district Kangayan delopment Arjasa. Sub Arjasa charge Kangean western islands, Kangayan subordinated eastern Kangean Island, while Sapeken charge of small islands and islands dominate the eastern part of Kangean (among others Sapeken, Paliat, Sadulang Large, Small Sadulang, Pagerungan Big and Small Pagerungan). Kangean is ± 100 km from Sumenep. The current transport is a ship which is managed by PT. Dharma Ocean Indonesia and Sumekar Line (owned by Regency Sumenep). With this transportation Kangean community can commute to the island of Madura almost every day. The average travel time to the island Kangean about 7-10 hours from the port Kalianget. Kangean famous island communities very friendly, polite and religious. In addition, people have said the language and words (dialect) which varied between regions. Sapeken special and some small islands around it, people who inhabit this island, usually using a variety of languages, such as Bajo language, language mandar, makasar language and some regional languages from sulawesi. this is not loose, because the people of these islands, was once the seaman who came from sulawesi. Another case with people who occupied the island tersbesar (Kangean), especially those living in sub ARJASA, they still use the language with little difference madura dialect. At the level of education, is considered a bit forward. Many alumni of the school on this island who then went on to college education and private country in the city - big cities in Java. But unfortunately most of them, after completing education, the average - average, they do not want to go back to Kangean to build this island. After they succeeded, they would prefer to stay outside the Kangean Islands. Like Bali, Java, Sumatra, and Borneo, (mostly in Java).
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