Thursday, October 8, 2009

Seudati Dance

Seudati Dance is a dance that originated from the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Seudati derived from the word 'Creed, which means witness / testify / recognition of no god but Allah, and Muhammad the messenger of God. In addition, some are saying that the word comes from Seudati seurasi word meaning harmony or compact. Seudati started to be developed since Islam entered into Aceh. Islam advocates use this dance as a medium for propaganda to develop the Islamic religion. This dance is developing in North Aceh, Pidie and East Aceh. This dance is performed with various kinds of problems recounted what happened to the people to know how to solve a problem together This dance is also included in the category or Tribal War Dance War Dance, which the words are always inspiring young people of Aceh to rise up and fight colonialism. Therefore, this dance had banned the Dutch colonial era, but now is allowed to dance again and became the National Art Indonesia.

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