The mother of the villages of seven districts in the city Sawahlunto, go to the arena bajamba eat or eat together in front of the highway Youth Market was transformed into the arena of eating bajamba. They come with respect Jamba or food containers. Inside it was full Jamba available rice, vegetables, side dishes until the fruit.
Gathered in this place not only the general public, but also officials, traditional leaders, the nomads from Sawahlunto, until the representation of ethnicity in Sawahlunto like the Javanese, Batak, Tionghoa and Sundanese. They came wearing traditional dress of each.
Before eating bajamba starts, beginning with petatah-proverb or customary introduction by the headman and the progenitor of each tribe in Minangkabau. In essence they are looking kesepekatan to start a meal or a meal bajamba it. This activity not only has become an annual tradition, but also the tourism agenda foreign tourists.
Top event is conducted bajamba eat together. They form a circle or a small group and ate meals available.
Sawahlunto this year after 121 years step. 1888 years ago stood. A city of about 60,000 people who initially popular with the result that coal, has now become the mainstay tourism city of West Sumatra.
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