At least 5,000 people are members of the congregation khotmul Quran, Salafi Suniyah around the mosque to mosque in Pasuruan. Activity lailatul qodr hope and blessings of Ramadan's been hereditary since 60 years ago.
With a solemn, the congregation reciting verses from the holy Koran and praise to Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW which coupled with prayers in turn.
"19th Night of Ramadan including lailatul qodr, night better than 1000 months. Come together to maximize qiyamul Lail worship so that all sins can be erased with the blessings of this Ramadan. God willing all will get a Peace hiya hatta mahtla'il fajr (night of the safety and welfare until the rise of dawn), "
After the lecture continued to enjoy the meal and closed with prayers and pleading Qunut guidance, health, and strength from Allah SWT.
Qunut prayers are read in a standing position is read outside the front of the mosque where khataman held. Qunut prayers facing Qiblah outside khataman location has meant that prayer will be fulfilled Qunut through the sky because it was in the wild.
Quran khataman tradition is a tradition around Pasuruan society that has been running for more than 60 years ago. This tradition began in the evening the 9th to the 29th night of Ramadan and prayer was held after tarawih.
A total of 42 mosques, Islamic schools, and musalla in Pasuruan city and is scheduled to be a place digelarnya khataman this Qur'an. Every night as many as two places visited by thousands of worshipers group raised Salafiyah Suniyah Habib Taufiq bin Abd Kodir this Assegaf. Usually, new khataman ended at around 01.30 pm dawn or before dawn.
The places visited in this khataman, in addition to the mosque, musalla and boarding schools, as well as the tomb complex clerical tombs in Kebonagung Habib Alwi and Habib Jafar bin Syaikhon Assegaf, and the tomb of Abdul Hamid KH behind Al-Anwar Mosque Melayu Pasuruan.
Even the Qur'an khataman typical Pasuruan was also developed by the alumni students Suniyah Salafiyah in some areas, such as in KRAKSAAN (Probolinggo), Lumajang, Bali, so in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.
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