In Sura 1 is 1430 Hijri, event or clean Ngurah genthong Enceh in the Puralaya Cemetery Complex of Mataram Kings in Bantul Imogiri Panjumatan held back. A total of 51 courtiers who came from two courts which Kasunanan Kraton Kraton Surakarta and Yogyakarta Sultanate do Enceh Nguras tradition.
Like a typical traditional procession of the other Palace, The procession Ngurah Enceh became public appeal comes not only from the region of Yogyakarta but also from outside the area. Community to take even a fight over a surge of water used to clean Enceh. Not a bit of drinking in a place and more are brought home.
Key interpreters are also tomb Imogiri Kraton Surakarta court servants Vice Pengageng Pringgodipura Raden Tumenggung said many citizens who came from last night to perform rituals Beteng mubeng tombs of kings of Mataram.
Enceh Kyai Padasan or Danumaya being cleaned the courtiers in the tradition of Ngurah Enceh Sura done every month.
'Kong' or padasan in the Masjid of the Kings of Mataram total of four individual named Kyai padasan clouds coming from Rome, Siem Nyai padasan originating from Myanmar, Kyai Danumoyo from Aceh and padasan Nyai Danumurti from Palembang.
After that, the water obtained from kurasan 'Kong' was distributed to people who have a belief that water can provide the good for their lives. Ngurah Encek ritual every month Sura this will be done on every Tuesday. This ritual concludes with performances of traditional arts.
Ngurah Enceh procession starts at 09.00 am with the first event, festivity with elders led Puralaya Imogiri Interpreter Lock then began the procession Ngurah Enceh. After purification 'Kong' continues with Enceh charging.
Nyai Padasan Siyem of Siam after cleaned by the courtiers who served in the Palace Masjid Mataram Kings in Imogiri.
Ngalap grace and blessing for water is also done by three grandmothers who came from the village of Bantul are headed Bakulan Grave Imogiri on foot. They acknowledge, thanks to the water 'Kong' and ngalap and nyekar blessing at the grave, make them grow healthy body despite old age.
Public who wish to seek the blessing of the water used to wash Enceh use various tools to get water to drink Enceh.
Blessing of the water carrier from 'Kong' and ngalap blessing and at the tomb of King nyekar mataram, there is a story of descent who said in earlier times water from the four Enceh is used for purification ritual is the founder of Mataram Sultan Agung. So since then, the water used as an intermediary Enceh cure.
Water to clean the 'Kong' is taken from the fountain in the area Mangunan Bengkung located approximately 7km from the Tomb of Imogiri. Enceh Nguras in the procession, besides providing water from the "Kong", the committee also provides a savory rice wrappers 1000 that have been blessed to be distributed to all visitors.
The people who believe water directly Enceh place to drink water. After that they were asking for more water to take home
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