Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tradisi Maulid Nabi,Jeneponto,South Sulawesi,Indonesia

For the Muslim community, warning of the birth of Prophet Muhammad Muahammad commemorated every year on 12 Rabi 'al-Awal. Warning forms in various parts of the world colored with a variety of traditions.

In Indonesia, especially in a society Bugis-Makassar in South Sulawesi, there are unique tradition that can not be found in other Muslim societies, both in Indonesia and abroad. Birthday of a traditional event called Maudu warning. Even in a particular area held the memorial Maudu Birthday Lompoa massive. This event is usually held by the family who bear the title Sayye '(sayyid) of the family who claim to have the blood of Arab descent.

Warning Maudu Lompoa famous and frequently visited by tourists is on the Maudu Lompoa Cikoang. Cikoang is a border region between the District Jeneponto with Takalar, South Sulawesi. Lompoa Maudu splendor in the celebration because Cikoang mass carried by all the inhabitants of the area without catch-screen with kinship group (clan) specific.

Was at another place in Jeneponto, Maudu festival is celebrated by kinship groups. One of the kinship groups that regularly held celebration in Jeneponto is Maudu Family Lata Rani daeng Guest La'ju-Lanti in Kampung Balang, District BINAMU. After the death of Lata dg La'ju in around 1997, followed by a celebration Maudu descendants (the children) which amounted to 8 (eight) persons namely: dg Nanting Sugi, Jawasang dg Ngambong, Karenai dg Ni'ni, Syahrir Ngasa dg, dg Karejai nia, Liwang Massarajang dg, dg MORRA Bilu and Abdul Hakim Nappu dg.

Of the eight children, the celebration coordinated by Maudu dg Karejai Nia as children who still live in traditional houses located in Bantilang, Balang village. Nia dg Karejai profession as a teacher of Islamic religion in a state primary school in Jeneponto.

After dg Nia Karejai Rahmatullah belongs to around 2002, now taken over Maudu celebration and coordinated jointly by Ni'ni dg Karenai family, and Jawasang MORRA Ngambong dg dg Bilu. while the other brothers and their support keturuannya join. Like Because Ni'ni dg, wife of Bado dg Beta Rahman, BA assisted by his eldest son Alim Bahri Bani dg everyday of his profession as a teacher in elementary school gym in Bontosunggu, Jeneponto capital.

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