This tradition was held in the Great Mosque Pecaron Village, District Kendit, Situbondo, where the funeral Syech Great Father, and petilasan Sunan Gunung Jati, who helped broadcast the Islamic religion in Java.
Sinjang tradition is the ritual purification of sacred objects, including keris, spears, and clothing Great Father Syech heritage and Sunan Gunung Jati.
Purification of heritage items is typically held at midnight, and resumed in the morning to restore the heritage object to a cubicle mosque, which is said was once the resting place of the Great Father Syech and Sunan Gunung Jati.
Sacred and solemn atmosphere was coloring the entire course of the ritual procession.
This traditional ritual performed once every 2 years in the month of Idul Adha, and as usual, the tradition is always packed with hundreds sinjang citizens from various regions.
In addition to expecting a blessing, residents also believe if the drinking water used washing heritage objects have been avoided by all sorts of misfortune or illness.
Therefore after the ritual is held, people immediately took to the water and then drink it, or take him home.
This tradition itself was held as a form of citizen respect for the saints who had broadcast the Islamic religion.
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