In Semarang, Central Java, suro beginning of each month in the Javanese calendar, hundreds of people always follow a ritual bath in kungkum or Tugu Suharto River.
Like previous years, Semarang and surrounding residents flock to Suharto's monument, located in the River Kali Garang, Kelurahan Sampangan, Semarang for a purpose. Namely kungkum or ritual bath in this river.
In the Java community's trust, it is believed that anyone who did conduct kungkum or bathing in the waters of Tugu Suharto on the eve of suro will get purity and inner strength to live life to the fore during the year. In addition residents also washed with meditation chanting prayers to the Creator in the hope that their wishes will be achieved next year.
Building monument called Suharto who was still standing upright in the river this time Garang had always been known as a place wingit or sacred. It is said that once this area is where a number of famous people doing meditation ritual behavior by bathing in the river water, including former president Soeharto.
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