The celebrations or ceremonies Grebeg Pancasila as the embodiment of gratitude and pride over the birth of Pancasila, Blitar city government with citizens commemorate the birth of Pancasila was full of activities. Month of June in Blitar may be a full day of activities to honor and appreciate the great heroes of the service's first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno. Start of the ceremony till the Pancasila Grebeg Haul Bung Karno.
For this year, a day before the Pancasila Grebeg ceremony held on June 1, 2009 there are some extra activities that have been digeber. Precisely on the day of the week, May 31, 2009, at around 09.00 am and Vespa motorcycle community joined in a rally SCROOB Blitar Vespa motorcycle with the start of Kebon Rojo Jl. Diponegoro Blitar to the Grave Bung Karno. Once finished 'nyekar' or pilgrimage to the Tomb of Bung Karno them to Kebon Rojo kemabli to hold the place of art performances.
In the evening, at around 19:00 pm, the procession was held sacred. This event is centered at Dalem Gebang or often called the Palace Gebang which heritage objects are stored in connection with the history there. Blitar city administration as the organizers put all agencies and colleagues as well as school students in Blitar City to take part in the procession line of Heritage, accompanying banners and miniature symbol of the state bird of Garuda to the mayor's office on Jl. Merdeka south alon-alon Blitar.
Almost all the participants of the procession, carrying the traditional torch. And each agency or crew who represent a variety of creative display of miniature art department or the potential of each region. There are Koi fish, Blimbing, dragons, and various models colorful lanterns are all embedded images that represent each of the precepts of Pancasila.
That night most of the citizens of the town of Blitar witnessed agustusan like carnival, they stand-lane road along the road from the Palace Gebang to the Office of the City of Blitar, where the procession will finish Pancasila.
Meanwhile, in the lobby or veranda mayor's office was waiting for your fathers and mothers as well as government officials with Javanese traditional dress sing-tembang tembang macapat as a symbol of hope and prayer to the Almighty, so what is the ideals of ancestor of the Indonesian nation is granted.
At the same time, when the procession entered the Pancasila was the mayor's office of Blitar, located in Kebon Rojo, the artists held a performance art Blitar Tirakatan night with a concert, theater, poetry readings and so on for 12 hours under the Bung Karno century monument, a theme ONE JUNE contemplation.
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