Hundreds of citizen of Pancot, Kelurahan Kalisoro, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, engaged each other over a chicken. certainly not the usual chicken. Because chickens are believed to bring blessings for Life. In this fight, not infrequently they arrived at each other. This is Mondosio, Unique ritual that has become a tradition down from hundreds of years ago. Mondosio is also believed to be where sukertaning universe, or the catastrophe of the world, can be eliminated.
Nevertheless, in this village clean ritual always visible cooperativeness based on a sense of joy all citizens. Look at the enthusiasm of residents in pancot clean mempersiapkanpesta village eight held once every seven that fell on Tuesday kliwonwuku Mondhosio.Tiga days before the event begins villagers had prepared segalauborampe entertainment equipment preparation pesta.Dari village clean up the party food menu will be presented in support of kemerihan Clean Mondhosio village feast.
In this ritual, hundreds of chickens fight each other's citizens who are released on the roof of the market. Wargamenggunakan various ways such as using the pole onto the roof and banging on the roof so quickly down the chicken. No Rarely Citizens involved scuffles between fellow comrades, while being chased chickens fell from the roof.
Mondosio aendiri is a tradition to commemorate the birthday of Pancot Village, better known by atauyang clean the village. Mondoshio ritual emerged from the living legend in desasetempat, which tells that Pancot village controlled by the evil giant named King Boko. This giant is said to like to prey on human children. Until one day came a prince named Putut Tetuko. The prince later this PrabuBoko defeated in a fierce battle. Putut Tetuko flung padasebuah head of the giant stone to death. This stone became known as the Stone Gilang, and until now sacred village.
Water Tape
Mondosio celebration begins with a procession reog from the village gate, to the King site meets Boko.Ribuan residents huddle along the road village, reog To see the sights along the route. After beating kenong site caretaker, village elders punmenghentikan attractions, and then perform the water spray guess, or tape, to the Stone Gilang complex located on the site.
Water is poured into the tape around the site, so King Boko never fit again. Lalukenong beaten for the second time, marking the spread of chicken. Once the chicken is released, the residents were scrambling to catch it. Residents believe, chicken mondosio will bring a blessing to anyone who captured.
According to the Head of Dusun Pancot, Sulardiyanto, this chicken as a form of gratitude Citizens. Something Merekapercaya if requested before the Stone Gilang, then the petition will be granted. And if the request is granted, then the people must let go of the chicken onto the roof Pancot Village Market.
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