TEDAK Siten.
This is one of the Javanese tradition began crushed era. Tedak Siten itself comes from the word meaning Tedak set foot, or step, and Siten derived from the word meaning land siti. So, Tedak Siten is down (to) the ground or mudhun weak. Complete, this tradition is for infants aged 7 x 7 eight or 35 days (245 days). Number SELAPAN is 35 days according to calculations based on the Java market today, namely Kliwon, Legi, Pahing, Pon and Wage. At the age of 245 days, the child began to set foot on the ground the first time, to learn to sit and learn to walk. This ritual illustrates the readiness of a child (infant) to deal with life.
Usually, this happy occasion to be held in the morning, in front of the yard. Except for parents and families, some parents were also present to give blessings to the children. Tedak Siten well as expectations of the parents of her baby to the child is ready and successful future menampaki life filled with obstacles and barriers with the guidance of their parents. This ritual as well as an expression of respect for siti (earth) which gives a lot of things in human life.
In ancient times, many Javanese people who do this ritual for his son. Some equipment for this ritual is a bastard (tetel) seven colors, a bitch is food made of glutinous rice mixed with grated coconut with salt added to taste creamy, color 7 way that bitch is red, white, black, yellow, blue , orange and purple. Meaning contained in this bitch is a symbol of life which will pass by the child, began her first stepped foot on this earth until he was grown, while the colors are a picture of a child's life will menghapai many choices and obstacles that must be gone through. 7 color set-chance from a dark color to light, this illustrates that the problems faced by the children ranging from heavy to light, meaning that any problem must weigh a bright spot that there are solutions.
Cone with the equipment, rice cone is shaped like a cone Urap served with vegetables (dishes are made from vegetable bean, kale and kecampah the coconut flavored been steamed or roasted) and ingkung chicken. Cone symbolizes permohan parents to the religious Creator of the child would become a useful boy, bean vegetable symbols meaningful to the child's age live a long, meaningful watercress vegetables wherever the child is alive he is able to grow and develop, vegetable sprouts are a symbol of fertility and chicken defines the future of the child can live independently.
Chicken cages young coconut leaf and decorated with colorful paper, this cage of chicken but it's not a human child. decorated cage has a meaning in the real world the child will be confronted with a variety of job choices.
Ladder made from sugar cane arjuna species, implying the expectation that the child is able to fight like the famous Arjuna responsibilities and the nature of the struggle. In Javanese tradition of cane stands antebing significant heart to the child in this life menjalni with tejad strong and steady heart.
Procession 'Tedak Siten' at the start by guiding the child up bastard 7 colors that have been prepared on the basis of the dark into the light warn. then the child is directed to climb the ladder made from sugarcane arjuna, then enter your child in a cage into which has been decorated and there inside the ring, stationery, cotton, etc., may depend on the development of today's times when it can enter the goods IT goods (HP, notenbook, PDA or other). then the child in mengambi ordered one of these goods, goods which the child selected a favorite picture of the job and also interested in the future as adults.
The procession then the spread of yellow rice mixed with coins to the fighting, describes the procession to the abak later became a philanthropist in the community. Last procession of the child bathed with Setaman flowers and wearing a new dress. goal is to stay healthy child, carrying a scent for the family, have a decent life, prosperity and good for the environment.
In the event 'tedak Siten' offerings commonly used among other flowers cream, porridge baro-baro, kind-maca herbs and kinangan (menginang materials). baro-baro porridge is porridge made from the bran, the offering is intended to grandfather nini among (placenta / afterbirth). while flowers cream, various herbs and kinangan, the offering is intended for ancestors.
In addition there are also offerings that complement pedukung red pulp, white pulp red pulp and white (sengkolo) which symbolizes the blood (= red pulp) and semen (= the white pulp), then there is also a market hawker (jongkong, sassy, grontol corn, lopis, gatot and tiwul) which represents the many berkehidupan we will interact with many people with a variety of characters, so the child can easily socialize with people. There are also various kamudian nutmeg pandem (variety of tubers) which has a meaning that the child has the trait or adap asor not arrogant.
After all the equipment ready, then the ritual began. The child was washed with water Setaman flowers. After wearing new clothes, the boy led his mother stepped on a bitch (a kind of pounded glutinous rice) 7 colors. To further the children are guided up the stairs made from sugarcane wulung purple. The children then put into a cage decorated with young coconut leaf yellow and other decorations. In these cages there are some things that the child should be chosen. The show is called the Javanese tradition Siten Tedak, warning where a child starts placing trained to walk with both feet on the earth.
The position of several stars have an influence on the birth of a baby. The calculation is based on the solar year length of time the earth revolves around the sun with a period of 1 year. Year by the influence of the sun is specified in months, weeks and days, where day seven. Calculations based calendar month is calculated based on the length of time the earth mengelingi months 1 month. One year in the calendar month is 12 months and each month broken down into the market, weeks and 1 day where the market is 5 days. Warning that the combination of base position of the sun and the moon will be repeated every 7 x 5 days.
Our ancestors knew that the position of the sun and moon have an influence on the earth. A child born in Weton, certain birth has a certain potential. And Weton, birth day repeated every 35 days should be respected. For adults on the day of the conditioned control Weton themselves by fasting called wedge Weton fasting, which began the day before and ended the day after Weton. Fasting on the full moon is also done because the influence of the full moon to the earth and human beings is big enough. Similarly, at the time of eclipse, the sun and moon formation will have a special influence on the earth and human beings.
Just a note, in the year 1855, because of the calendar month is considered inadequate as a guide the farmers who grow crops, then the calendar based on the constellation affects the growing season is referred to as the institution's prey, codified by Mangkunegara IV and used officially. An example is the plow constellation (Orion) as a sign of growing season. Actually this is the institution's prey in the original division of Java and has been used in pre-Sultan Agung. By Sri Paduka Mangkunegara IV according to the calendar date chronicle the Gregorian calendar which is solar calendar.
Back to Tedak Siten, humans have several stages of development itself. First, the baby stage is highly dependent on the mother and other people, usually just ask. The second stage is an independent young people, can do alone. The third stage is an adult, who was conscious though independent but not selfish and realize that someone has interdependence with others, can not live alone. The beginning of the second phase begins, when a child begins to learn to walk, so if want something a child can take themselves without asking help other people. At the time goes, the child's legs to touch directly with the earth, no longer in gendhongan a mother. We are life and death are in the earth, eating and drinking, houses, vehicles all come from the earth, then we need to respect the earth.
Babies born with initial instinct, basic instinct, to eat. Whatever you will be entered holding the mouth. Unlike a child's awareness of the growing human, animal consciousness is not developed, that there is only dibenaknya eat. Pigs given stale food and jewels, clearly choosing stale food. Naturally, a Gusti Jesus says, Do not give the jewels to the pigs! At the time a boy of 7 × 35 days, 245 days, about 8 months, instinct, innate genetic instincts are still there, but in the subsequent development of self, an innate instinct will be driven into the unconscious, covered by the new activities. By the time the child was about 8 months, the child's potential can be identified. In Tibet at the age of older children, the few who expected to be the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, will be given several items which belonged to the Dalai Lama who had died earlier. They
who can choose correctly, based on instinct, instinct borne of past life will be selected as the new Dalai Lama. It is said that three of the Saints from the East came to the Middle East after seeing the position of the constellations and to verify whether a child born with Masiha really a similar way. For those who believe, someone who died and still have attachment to worldliness, his soul is still going to continue the evolution that has not been accomplished in his life. He will be born again to get parents, an environment that supports the evolution of his soul. The selection of a few things like Tedak Siten notebooks, wallets, jewelry, scissors, books of literature, or martial arts equipment, in accordance with that knowledge. Child's potential will be clearly visible, so that parents understand how to improve the child's potential well.
Basically, we live in the world, imprisoned, shackled by the world. In Tedak Siten, can be seen kids who really do not like is inserted into the cage and crying for help to her mother. Man who knew too, wanted to return to the Divine Mother. For adherents of the spiritual, good fortune, the throne is the science or the initial capital to liberate itself from the shackles of the world. A teacher came to liberate human beings from captivity. But the man is expected to give teachers the knowledge to live successfully in captivity. Themselves apart from the confinement of the world does not mean running away from the world, not only tied to the world. Living solely in the form of sacrifice, worship. Devoid of Pamrih, wants the world and Rame ing Gawe, remained at work throughout his life.
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