Sumbawa Island is one of the two major islands in West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). On the island of Sumbawa district there are three areas of Sumbawa in the west, amid Dompu and Bima in the east. In the dry season, the third area looks barren because of the hills and mountains become barren drought. Found in the brown hills along the way in this area.
Nevertheless, the island of Sumbawa was not poor potential tourist objects. Sumbawa District has traditional attractions other than natural beaches. Bima regency and city tourism potential of cultural heritage in the kingdom there.
In Dompu Regency, located in the middle of this Sumbawa island, besides there surfing locations in Lakei Beach - in the southern part of the already well known by surfers the world. Then, Tambora volcano in the northern letusannya in 1815 terdahsat in the world.
Due letusannya, formed a mile-deep hole and the radius of seven kilometers, has menyirnakan three local kingdom in District Dompu and Bima regency. The Kingdom of Concentrated, Studios and Tambora which was conquered from the kingdom of Bima. Bang paroksismal felt by residents in the islands of Bangka and Belitung. The earthquake that occurred at the same time it felt eruption in Surabaya and dark three-day immersion experience smoke due to the island of Madura at a distance of 500 kilometers from the center of the explosion. High eruption of smoke towered into the sky to reach tens of kilometers so that global changes affecting the world climate system.
And west across the sea from the Tambora, there Satonda island. This is a volcanic island on the mainland opposite the island of Sumbawa. In the area of the island is 4.8 square kilometers there is a lake covering 0.8 square kilometers. All the rocky lake bottom. The water is too salty. Interestingly, each occurred tidal sea water outside the island, also the same thing happened in the lake.
That is the tourist attraction that has been fought over a dozen years by the Government kewilayahannya Bima Regency and Dompu District Government. Located near the village Nangamiru Dompu, Satonda a tourist haven in the voyage from Bali to Flores-NTT. Satonda praised sea water lake which is the wonder of the world. Sea water flows through the ground. Low tide when the lake became subsided.
Historically, sea water is estimated that initially entered the caldera lake mountain Satonda circa 2000 BC. Entry of sea water there during the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 seen from the parts that collapsed in the southern lip around the lake. High estimated seawater Satonda hit the south wall about 10 meters.
The depth of the lake varies between 15-69 meters. The water is clear. Keasinannya was different. On the surface until the salt content of 22.8 meters compared to 90 percent seawater. While the depth of 50 meters under sea water in excess of 108-117 percent.
If the sea could be seen flying fish, dolphins. While the land, can be found deer (deer). There are a Kalibuda tree sap can be blinding poison, believed to be a sacred tree. In the branches hanging "the ideals of stone". Stone is suspended from a rope tied to the branches are believed to be a place to channel the desire. Beside the shrine is believed to have someone who mukso (body disappears).
Concentrated District community leaders Masangan Losong Dompu District, was quoted Heryadi, through special publications published Regional Management Association geologists Indonesia Nusa Tenggara, the results of the study mentioned that Satonda is actually a volcanic island (the volcano) that arise from the depth of 1000 meters. As a result of the eruption is not certain time, there is formed a caldera lake that resembles a figure eight, a large crater in the south 950 feet in diameter, while the north 400 feet in diameter. PH level of 7,08-8,27 acid and water temperature 28.3 C-39, 0 C. The early in the lake water is fresh water but because the beach or a tsunami of change that result from the eruption of Mount Tambora, April 15, 1815, the lake water becomes salty.
Dompu district in the north, the islands are without inhabitants Satonda this - because many years ago transferred to the mainland side, every week there's always just come cruise ships from Bali and Lombok as a stopover trip to and from the island of Komodo. Satonda had always been a struggle for mastery by the Government and the Government of Bima regency Dompu District. Associated with tourism potential, the people living in Satonda transferred to Labuhan Kenanga-Bima.
This northern region, by the Department of Tourism Dompu District, listed in the golden triangle route Tamosa. Is climbing to the mountain Tambora. Moyo Island in the west in Sumbawa Regency - the famous tent Amanwana Resort hotel has ever visited the Lady Diana of England and Prince William of the Netherlands.
Version of Bima Regency society, since the time of the kingdom, it has entered Satonda Kengkelu region-oriented Tambora to Bima. Dompu was then a part of Bima. However, the opinion, based Dompu agreement between the Netherlands and the Sultanate of Dompu in 1886 and 1905, that the status of the region in the Sultanate Satonda Dompu.
Travel to Satonda
Satonda Island is located in the Flores Sea, about three miles from semenenanjung Studios. Coordinated position, 8 degrees 7 minutes south latitude and 117 degrees 45 minutes east longitude. When we come to the West Nusa Tenggara through the city of Mataram, the trip can be taken to Dompu buses departing in the morning or afternoon. Cost Rp60 thousand. Then from Dompu use the bus fare to Calabahi Rp15 thousand and costs using penyeberangannya charter speedboat, around Rp50 thousand.
From the town of Dompu, a little heavy to reach. To get to the other side of the island, the land required an exhausting journey. Actually, this Dompu northern part had smooth roads paved area. Distance of 106 kilometers from the city to Calabahi Dompu tempuhnya time about 6 hours, uncomfortable impassable because of the way so many holes was tiring. Therefore, more tourists are coming here by sea.
Tourism in the Northern District Dompu can hunt wild boar because many of the people regarded as pests, mountain climbing Tambora, also review the coffee and cashew plantations are managed either by companies or local communities, mostly migrants from Lombok. Cashew plantations reached 5,000 hectares. Therefore the northern region is called the region of Dompu agrowisatanya.
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