Rengkong Hatong is Sundanese ritual used when delivering grain into the barn. Ceremony of Bogor typical Sundanese culture is beginning to lose. Hereditary inherited. The ceremony begins with the movement of the earth ritual bath, to purify and cleanse the land. "Where we stand, upheld the sky there. Soil Bogor Purify this we must first of all evils, from wrath, from the corrupt and various other forms of malice. Water mixed with red HANJUANG was sprinkled at the City Hall. The ceremony was led by an elder and healer. Chronology of the show and then changed as the children happily into the playground. Preoccupation play is startled by a voice that suddenly emerged from the four corners. The children looked for the source of the sound.
The show continued with the emergence of various disorders symbolized by such property bebegig made from rice sacks with a few pictures asterisks, stars like soldiers.
The core of this show is to demonstrate the value that we build with optimism Bogor strength and consistency with honesty, probity and gratitude.
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