Bangka Belitung - Community Water Village in the Village of Mount Abik Young Belinyu, Bangka Belitung party held every year towards the customary straw. Feast pound rice was seven times as an expression of greeting to the corners of the earth, and request that given the abundance of the crop by the creator.
Two boxes containing a pestle and mortar, rice and cloth wrapper Tuscan village paraded along the street toward the ritual.
The ritual begins with the straw toward the pestle and mortar out of the box and indigenous elders chant praises and thanks be to God Almighty.
Rice pounded with a pestle using two alternately as many as seven times.
The first collision was intended segentar greetings to earth so that the ruler of the earth not to be angry with men.
The second collision mean segentar greetings to the rulers of the natural order did not disturb the customary ritual toward the straw.
Then on the third collision, and so on, Abik Water citizens who still adhered to the belief that atiesme intended segentar greetings to the wind, moisture, and to express my gratitude because they've brought back the farm.
The ritual ends with distributing the rice which is pounded to seven people with the aim that residents receive blessings in the coming years will be the result of their rice.
According to traditional elders, headed straw comes from the word meaning toward the number seven and rice straw.
In this traditional feast Water Village community Abik release all the work to blend together and each house provided a variety of foods as Lebaran day
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