Villagers Kaliputu Village, Sub City, the Holy District, has a unique tradition to greet the coming New Year 1431 Hijri or 1 Suro, which held the event tebokan
Tebok a term from the word tebok (Java), which is a kind of woven bamboo trays used to put the porridge. Although in its development there tebok made from young coconut leaf yellow.
Tebokan tradition is a symbol of local people to express gratitude and thanks to God for their success in the field of molten metal business. Moreover, in the village is a sacred center of porridge with the number of craft up to 40 entrepreneurs.
Children who bring tebok paraded around the village is a symbol as a next generation business in the village porridge.
Tebokan tradition begins with the carnival procession which was attended by dozens of children and adolescents who bring offerings of porridge meal, snack market, and the whole cooked chicken, fruit, and porridge are paraded from Fourth Street Gang local village to village hall Kaliputu.
Procession continued to the road to Sosrokartono and 12th Street Gang - Street Gang 11 and proceed to the Town Hall in Jalan Sedo Kaliputu Mukti, which is about two miles from the start location.
Along the way, the procession participants supported drum accompaniment and drum bands from local schools, as well as dozens of local people who joined the procession.
The ritual is more interesting, considering the charge brought tebok, who placed on the head to be led by walking around the local village's children of primary school age (SD). The participants also bearers tebok koko or wearing full Muslim dress.
Among these lines tebok carriers, there are several participants who brought the nine-story mountain of molten metal.
Once in the village hall, performed the ritual prayer led by local clerics, then all tebok who paraded around the hotly contested since the early residents who follow the tradition.
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