Traditional House which is a hall Dulohupa deliberations of the royal family. Made of the board with the typical roof form area.
In part there balakangnya pavilion where the king and courtiers, looking rested teen activities sports court to play soccer. We have custom home is situated on land + 500m ² and is equipped with a flower garden, the building where the sale of souvenirs, as well as the royal gig garage building named talanggeda. In the reign of kings, this traditional house is used as the royal court. The building is located in Kelurahan Limba, South City District, Gorontalo City.
In addition to traditional house Dulohupa there Bandayo Pomboide Traditional House located in front of Bupati Gorontalo. Bantayo means 'building' or 'building', while Pomboide means 'place of discussion'. The building is often used as a location for cultural performances and dance recitals in Gorontalo. Inside are a variety of special rooms with different functions. Architectural style shows the cultural values of society Gorontalo Islamic nuanced.
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