Treatise of Prayer tradition Larung held in Lake Ngebel, Ponorogo.
Sacred processions since 1992 that can suck the interest of thousands of people coming from various areas who do not want to miss the momentum of the annual per Syuro.
This activity is a series of warnings to welcome the new turn of the year 1429 AH to 1430 AH is not a ritual but an ancestral tradition and the ancestors who must be preserved.
Float procession is not a treatise of prayer ritual but an ancestral tradition and the ancestors who must be preserved because it is well budayaPonorogo Reyog. By Lake Ngebel Larungan consists of a giant cone with a height of about 1.5 meters and its offerings are believed to bring blessings.
For the giant cone melarung involving 6 men with Ponorogoan distinctive clothing and carrying a float with her melarungkan to the middle lake.
They have also accompanied by some beautiful women dressed in traditional Javanese gamelan music and accompaniment and strains gising Java so impressed sacred ceremony.
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